

Several financing options are available to pay for assisted living such as:

  • Private funds
  • Long Term Care Insurance (LTC)
  • Home equity or bridge loans
  • VA funding
  • Family Care



Private Funds

Private funds are generally use to pay for assisted living services and may include: cash on hand, CD’s, annuities, pensions, social security income, checking and/or savings, investments, real estate, etc.

Long Term Care Insurance:

Insurance policies may cover long term care in assisted living and nursing homes. Phone the insurance company to determine the daily rate the policy will cover. 

Home Equity or Bridge Loans

Banks, lending institutions, AARP, etc. may agree to provide an equity loan or line of credit against a home or property until the home or property is sold. This allows the home owner to use the equity before the home/property is sold to pay for services such as assisted living. When the home/property is sold, the loan must be paid in full from the proceeds.

Family Care Funding

Family Care provides funding to those with financial need. The funding is provided by state, county and federal funds and administered through your local Aging & Disability Resource Center.